
Create a new problem record from an incident

See: How to create a model

IT Help Center is based on activities/attention models. In those, the flow, attention groups, times, escalations, possible returns among others are defined. After a record is created, the tool decides which model will use according to defined rules. Then, the model will rule which group will work in the record. Every while, the tool will check the time that has passed and decide if an escalation is necessary.

There're two ways to create new problem records from an incident:

Select Problem model and create a new activity:
Click on addcase1.jpg to open a new case inside the model. Current step can't be changed.

Click on to open case form

Model is automatically pre-selected

You can add a relation with the incident from within the new problem is created or any other existing case.

  1. In the Related cases field, click on addcase1.jpg to open editor:

    Click on to search cases:

  2. Once you've selected a case to relate, select the relation type in the dropdown list: Unknown relation, This case is part of or This case is the result of

  3. Finally, add title and description:

    Click on to save.

    Click on icon to delete relation
    Click on icon to edit relation
    detail1.jpg Click on icon to view the info of the related case.

    If you didn't add the relation during the problem creation, you can add (Or edit) it later:
    Click on
    See: Add/edit related cases

  4. Click on newticket.jpg to create new problem record.

    Select from the grid and click on notu.jpg to view problem detail

    Click on to edit problem:

  1. Select Problem model and create a new activity:
    Click on to open a new case outside the model. Current step can be changed.

    Click on to open case form

    To add Related cases see: Add Related Cases

  2. Click on newticket.jpg to create new problem record.

    Select from the grid and click on notu.jpg to view problem detail

    Click on to edit problem:

  • en/archived/administrator/create_problem_inc.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/06/17 16:31
  • by