
How to create a model

To have access to system configuration you should have administrative privileges.

  1. Log into Atis portal, click on Process Setup > Model > Edit. Click on to open editor.

  1. Title: Model name.
  2. Comments: Description.
  3. Service Type: Choose type from the drop-down list:

    Click on to save and create the new model.

  1. Manager informed (Hierarchic Escalation):
    There are two ways to add hierarchic escalation:
    You can select an pre-existing configuration from the drop-down list, to see its settings click on

    Or create a new configuration, click on
    Add title, description, level, percentage (Of time), group to escalate and set permissions (See, motion, movement transfer)

  2. Handler (Funtional Escalation):
    Like hierarchic escalation, there are two ways to add functional escalation:
    You can select an pre-existing configuration from the drop-down list, to see its settings click on

    Or create a new configuration, click on
    Add title, description, level, percentage (Of time) and group to escalate

  1. Validation settings: Enable validation options such as: Disable time, Validate steps, User type steps

  2. Time: Set Normal and Max time values.

Possible Returns: Here the administrator can define possible result values for a case.

Service support instructions to help solving a case faster.

Add a list of steps for the service model, each step can have its own settings:

  1. Add new step

    Copy step

    Delete step

    Move up/down step

    Graph model steps:

  2. Configure each step:

Basic step configuration. Configure status, step name, comments, caution and warning.

Define a status for each step, i.e: InProgress, Resolved, Paused. Here the administrator configures in which step of the model the status of the case changes from InProgress to Resolved. When the status changes to Resolved time counting stops for the case

Investigation and Diagnosis step has In progress as status

The administrator defines the step in which the case could be considered as resolved.

Review step has Resolved as status

Click on to save configuration and case status.

You can relate activities to a step

Define user type for the step, interface, notifications, CI types and its atributes

Model created: Detail tab

Model created: Steps tab

  • en/archived/administrator/models.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/06/17 16:34
  • by