
How to create a new incident record

  1. Log into the Atis portal

  2. In the left pane, click on Manager case > Set Case.
    Set Case is where you can review if there's a previous case reporting the same issue or record a new case. Below there's a description for each step of the process, each has it's own fields and purpouse.

Once you clic on Set Case, a Search screen will open where you can search in the list of recorded cases or by CI.

Click on checkbox to list all recorded cases. Or search by Column and click on to find coincidences.
Highlight a record and click on icon to see Owner, User and Handler of the case:

Owner: Case owner, first support contact.
User: User who reported the issue.
Handler: Functional, adviser.
Highlight a record and click on icon to review the case record.
Click on checkbox to activate data import from an existing case.
How to create a new incident case based upon a previous one

If you didn't find a previous case reporting the same issue, click on new_ticket.jpg to create a new case1)

New incident case form</wrap>

  1. Click on to search in the user's list, you can view all available users or search for an specific user.

  2. Choose a prefered way of notice in the Method of notice dropdown list:

    Once you've chosen the notice method, click on . A popup screen allows you to edit contact details:

    Contact typeSelect the notice type (mobile, phone, email)
    InformationType according to notice type: mobile/phone/email and click to add.
    AddressOther contact details like Address, country, county/state and zipcode
    System statusSelect system status:
    Prep: Pending for aprobation
    Live: Active
    Retired: Outdated info

In this part of the form the administrator can include: description and title, category, urgency, impact and priority of the case:

DescriptionDescription of the reported issue. Relevant information to include in this field: frequency of occurrence of the issue, event that triggers the issue, consequences of the event, etc.
CategoryThis screen allows you to categorize the case, search the category that best describes the issue. Once you choose the category, the system will find related Workarounds and automatically sets Models and SLAs that address the reported issue and helps to resolve the case faster.

Click on icon to open the search category screen. Search by category or coincidence:

Click on to search for workaround records.

Create a new Knownerror
Create a new Workaround

These fields indicate how critical this case is for your company and how affects operation.

Urgency is how soon the issue must be fixed so it wont affect normal company operations.

Impact is how big the effects of the reported issue will be. Impact is automatically filled when the SLA is set.

Priority is calculated based upon urgency and impact. Select Urgency and Impact and Priority will be calculated

Is MajorClick on checkbox to indicate if the problem is important.

Here you can add relevant attachments to an incident:

Add FileTo add attachments to the case, clic on a popup screen allows you to browse your computer for the files to attach. You can include a description for each attached file.

Click on to find the file, add description2) and click on to save.

Edit descriptionSelect the attachment and click on to edit file description and click on to save.

Delete FileSelect attachment and click on

Download FileSelect attachment and click on

Here you can relate CIs to an incident:

Add CITo add affected CIs to an incident, click on a popup screen allows you to browse for CIs.
View all or search for a specific CI.
Filter by column, drag a column header to group

Select a CI and click on to add.
Edit CI descriptionSelect CI and click on to edit description and click on to save.

Delete CISelect CI and click on

View CISelect CI and click on
A popup screen allows you to view information and relations of the CI

How to view CI Information and relations

If you've done setting the incident information:

Create caseClick on to create the incident record.
The new record is created and the system will assign an unique case ID:

Cancel caseClick on to cancel
Quit caseClick on to quit
Minimize formClick on
When the form window is minimized, the icon with the case number will show in the top left corner of the main window, click on icon to restore the form.
Quick creation menuClick on to open Case template window, you can choose an existing case template for quick creation of a new case.

Quick ways to create a new incident record

  • en/archived/administrator/set_case.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/06/17 16:34
  • by